Последние поступления
Regional Economic Integration in Africa
Раздел: Общая экономика
Язык: Русский
Since independence in the early 1950’s, Africa’s overall economic performance compared very unfavourably with those of other regions of the developing world mainly because it attained political indepe ...
Financial Performance: Islamic vs. Conventional Banks
Раздел: Банковское дело
Язык: Русский
Performance Measurement is essential to perceive the problem in the system. From good performance measurement an institution can come to know that which employees, method and program are competent and ...
Elapsed Tales of Skyscrapers
Раздел: Общий менеджмент
Язык: Русский
Corporate governance is now meticulously within the public domain, judging from the consideration it receives from the mass media. The governance of companies specially the listed companies is a compl ...
Corporate Credit Risk of Indian Manufacturing Companies
Раздел: Зарубежная экономика
Язык: Русский
This book discusses on the ‘Corporate Credit Risk of Indian Manufacturing Companies: Towards an Early Warning System’. Devised for the analysis of financial health of the Indian manufacturing firms, i ...
An Investigation of Selenium Toxicity on Biochemical Changes in Mice
Раздел: Инвестиции
Язык: Русский
Selenium in certain soils may be taken up by plants or through food chain in amounts sufficient to make forage toxic to animals. Selenium can be found in semiarid areas on soils typically derived from ...