Elapsed Tales of Skyscrapers

Elapsed Tales of Skyscrapers
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Язык: Русский
Corporate governance is now meticulously within the public domain, judging from the consideration it receives from the mass media. The governance of companies specially the listed companies is a complex matter. This book intends to provide insights into current issues in corporate governance by examining the links between corporate governance theory, regulations and practice. The case studies contained in the book examine the circumstances of companies where corporate governance is seen to be an issue. An important feature of this book is the fifteen case studies, some of which have been important in influencing codes and regulations of corporate behaviour and become a become a source of inspiration and cause shareholder’s activism. The cases are designed to reinforce the reader’s understanding of the conditions under which corporate governance can break down. It is hoped that “Elapsed Tales of Skyscrapers: Cases of Corporate Governance scandals” will stimulate interest in the subject and encourage discussion of the various issues identified in the case studies.


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