Последние поступления
Контактная точечная сварка на лицевых поверхностях изделий
Раздел: Технические науки в целом
Язык: Русский
Контактная точечная сварка является одним из основных способов получения неразъемных соединений и широко применяется при изготовлении автомобилей, тракторов, троллейбусов, лифтов, холодильников. Нар ...
Simulation of Microporosity in Aluminum Plate Castings
Раздел: Технические науки в целом
Язык: Русский
Porosity is known to be one of the primary factors controlling fatigue life and total elongation in cast aluminum components. The thrust of this study is to examine pore nucleation and growth effects ...
Application of FMECA to A Flexible Assembly Cell
Раздел: Технические науки в целом
Язык: Русский
This book is not mean to be a “Handbook” to be used to perform a failure mode effects analysis. This book is meant to give the reader a broad, general background in techniques available for failure an ...
Marine Wastewater Outfall Design
Раздел: Технические науки в целом
Язык: Русский
With global population rising at unprecedented rates, wastewater volumes will consequently increase leading to a need for effective disposal options. Marine wastewater outfalls provide a solution to t ...
Six sigma for supply chains
Раздел: Технические науки в целом
Язык: Русский
Supply chain management aims to add value across the supply chain and customer service is a major strategic issue. Supply chains are complex and subject to variables of forecast, supply, process, and ...