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Decentralized Robust Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for UAS

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Язык: Русский
The nonlinear and unsteady nature of aircraft aerodynamics and limited range of controls and states make the use of linear control theory inadequate. For unmanned aerial systems in particular, control ...

A New Algorithm for Nonlinear Propagation of Broadband Jet Noise

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Язык: Русский
This book describes a frequency domain model to predict the far-field broadband noise. Nonlinear wave propagation is observed in the noise created by many sources such as fighter jet aircraft, explosi ...

Ionospheric study of Equatorial Anomaly Station

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Язык: Русский
The present study is helpful to understand and predict the behaviour of the ionospheric region that will affect a given radio communication circuit. The effect of ionospheric parameter variation over ...

Воробьи Палеарктики и их эпидемиологическое значение

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Раздел: Зоология
Язык: Русский
Воробьи обитают рядом с человеком и, кроме хозяйственного, имеют еще и эпидемиологическое значение. В монографии отражены результаты многолетних популяционных исследований (1981-2012 гг.) трех видов в ...

Population dynamics o mosquito in tyres in Ago-Twoye

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Раздел: Зоология
Язык: Русский
Discarded tyres are an important habitat for larvae of multiple species of disease-transmitting insects. This study was aimed at surveying population dynamics of mosquito larvae in tyres in Ago-Iwoye, ...
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