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Translation Studies: Special Topics I

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Язык: Русский
The present volume is the fruits of the MA project at the School of Foreign Studies of Yangtze University with special regard to translation. It contains five theses which deal with five topics in Tra ...

Thematic concern in the select works of Wole Soyinka

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Язык: Русский
Akinwande Oluwole Soyinka is Africa’s most prolific writer and a man-of-the-theatre. His literarary talent was crowned with the award of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1986. In his works Wole So ...

Strategies for English-Chinese Translation of Children’s Literature

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Язык: Русский
Is it a piece of cake to translate children's literature works well? If you think "Yes", you are absolutely wrong.As a matter of fact,translation of children's literature is as difficult as, if not mo ...


Скачать книгу "Терезин"
Язык: Русский
На разных стадиях эта работа снискала одобрение Министерства культуры РФ, Фонда «Русский мир», Посольства РФ в Чехии, Международного Союза Российских Соотечественников, Пражского магистрата. «Цель про ...

Дорога по краю леса

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Язык: Русский
Русь, 16 век. Эпоха становления единого государства. Столкновение идей и интересов, борьба иосифлян и нестяжателей, сторонников Василия и сторонников Дмитрия, Москвы и Литвы, татарские набеги, колдовс ...