Последние поступления
Biological, Chemical and Physical Aspects of Freshwater Pollution
Язык: Русский
Zooplankton samples were collected on seasonal basis from King Talal Dam to determine the concentration of selected heavy metals, and to assess the possible use of zooplankton as bioindicator for heav ...
Geochemistry of the Kayrakum Reservoir on Central Asia’s Syr Darya
Язык: Русский
The Kayrakum Reservoir is situated along the Syr Darya (Syr River) in Central Asia, downstream from extensive mining and industrial operations. This document includes a description of these operations ...
Impact of fire on woodlands in Gonarezhou National Park, Zimbabwe
Язык: Русский
This study investigates the influence of fire frequency on woody vegetation in northern Gonarezhou National Park (GNP), Zimbabwe. The study first examines the nature of fire frequency patterns in the ...
Ecology of insular plant in Mountain Island in Egypt
Язык: Русский
Due to the relatively high environmental importance of endemic species on the regional ecosystems of Southern Sinai, to consider a taxon as endemic without specifying a geographic range is meaningless ...
Микрофизика холодных облаков: феномен жидкой фазы
Раздел: Географические науки
Язык: Русский
Современное учение о физике воды и облаков с температурами ниже 0оС оставляет немало вопросов в части формирования, эволюции, фазово-дисперсного строения и физических свойств внутриоблачной среды. Цел ...