Основы медицинских знаний

Структурно-содержательные характеристики студентов-сирот

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В данной работе рассматривается влияние социального положения на мотивационную сферу личности. Для диагностики используются различные методики, в том числе метод мотвационной индукции Ж. Нюттена. На о ...

Atypical Employment Practices:A Qualitative Investigation

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Язык: Русский
Globalisation has lead to the emergence of atypical employment practices, aided by employment flexibility strategies, resulting in wide-spread restructuring and downsizing. Most studies on atypical em ...

Spouse Role Stress

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Язык: Русский
The roles that men and women occupy have undergone changes in the past three decades. Women are entering into men’s sphere of work and men into women’s sphere of household work and childcare. The pres ...

Effectiveness of rational emotive behaviour therapy and study skills

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Язык: Русский
Test or Examination writing in a school setting has become a phobia among students in the tertiary institutions. This problem can be partly attributed to their inability to ef ...

Counselling psychology - job performance

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Язык: Русский
“The relationship between Counselling of Employees and Job Performance and Productivity at the workplace” is an attempt to show how the challenges at the workplace can be addressed through Counsellin ...
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