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Nursing&Practice:Stressors and coping strategies of nurses

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Stress among nurses is still perceived as a challenge experienced by the nursing profession. Stress has the negative impact on both nurses and patients. This book entitled:Exploring the factors contri ...

Airborne Infection Control by UV from Sun Light at Agha Khan Hospital

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Healing Environment and EBD (Evidence Based Design at Agha Khan Hospital, Karachi, The permission is been secured from AKU public Relation office and drawing have been provided by Payette Boston. Room ...

Simple malaria tests and complex challenges

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Malaria, one of the world’s greatest public health challenges, kills 750,000 people annually, 90% of them children in sub-Saharan Africa. The burden of malaria can be dramatically reduced and in many ...

Managing The Contradictions

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Despite the lack of successful treatments for people with severe mental disorders, a large number of patients nevertheless recover. What is known today about recovery from severe mental disorders? To ...

Низкоинтенсивный лазерный свет в стоматологической практике

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Язык: Русский
Заболевания челюстно-лицевой области до настоящеговремени представляют большую медико-социальнуюпроблему. Известные лечебные меры, направленные лишьна устранение соответствующей симптоматики, в каждом ...
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