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Europe as a question in geography education

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Turkey began accession negotiations with European Union in 2005 becoming the first country with a predominantly Muslim population to be moving towards full membership of the EU. However, debates, whic ...

Impacts of Climate Change,Variability and Adaptation Strategies

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The dry central part of Tanzania, including Singida Region, has been affected by climate change to the extent that water for domestic use cannot easily be found. Although Singida Municipality is loca ...

Tour de France

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The Tour de France, a three weeks? bicycle race has a unique position in the sports world. The main purpose of the study is not only in offering an answer to the questions “Who“ or “When“, but mainly ...

Urban Sprawl: Its Economic Impact On Hinterland Farmers

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Population induced urban expansion is a phenomenon of the study area. Due to rural – urban migration, more people are flowing to the city which makes the demand for accommodation and other infrastruct ...

Микрофизика холодных облаков: феномен жидкой фазы

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Язык: Русский
Современное учение о физике воды и облаков с температурами ниже 0оС оставляет немало вопросов в части формирования, эволюции, фазово-дисперсного строения и физических свойств внутриоблачной среды. Цел ...
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