Научная и техническая литература

Ксилотрофные грибы березовых лесов Южного Приуралья

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Язык: Русский
В книге приводятся данные о видовом составе и экологических характеристиках видов дереворазрушающих базидиальных грибов, послеяющихся на древесине березы в Южном Приуралье. Анализируется видовая, троф ...

Diatoms-Biosilica and its modern age application

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Язык: Русский
Diatom biosilica is a valuable element for modern age application like in the field of nanotechnology. But we cannot get nano-structured biosilica commercially until we explore the diatom biology, its ...


Скачать книгу "Arthritis"
Язык: Русский
Arthritis is a disease in which there is inflammation of one/more joints , which results in pain,swelling , stiffness and limited movement ,redness,warmth around the joint.Rheumatoid arthritis comes u ...

Integration of large datasets for plant model organisms

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Язык: Русский
With the advent of Big Data, data integration is very important topic in the heterogeneous bioinformatics landscape. This book starts off with the current state of biological pathway databases in gene ...

Communities in Protected Area Management

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Язык: Русский
The Protected Area (PA) is a common resource, and provides basic necessities for livelihoods. As a result, access to this resource is very much of interest to local communities. The success of PA mana ...
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