История образования и педагогической мысли
Наш "Старый дом". Факультет международных отношений 1957-1963 гг.
Раздел: История образования в России
Страниц: 194
Год издания: 2016
Язык: Русский
В настоящий сборник вошли воспоминания выпускников факультета международных отношений МГИМО. поступивших в институт в 1957 г. и окончивших его в 1963 г. По-разному сложились судьбы молодых людей. Одни ...
Understanding of Chemical Bonding in Secondary Schools in Kenya
Язык: Русский
This book discusses understanding of chemical bonding which is a principle concept in chemistry. It is a key area in secondary school chemistry and even at higher levels of learning. The book highligh ...
Efficacy of Eco-clubs in Secondary Schools of Visakhapatnam City
Язык: Русский
The present study reveals the opinions of the students studying in the secondary schools towards efficacy of Eco-clubs. In the present study the demographical variables the sex, caste, religion have n ...
Peer Tutoring in Higher Education
Язык: Русский
Revision with unchanged content. This qualitative study of peer tutoring in several situations at the University of Utah builds upon previous conceptualizations of peer tutoring in order to reconcep ...
Using Lean Six Sigma to Raise Outcomes in Schools
Язык: Русский
During recent decades schools in England have had to respond to a plethora of innovations aimed at ‘raising standards’. In the UK, the education policy agenda has manifested itself in a series of educ ...