История образования и педагогической мысли

Наш "Старый дом". Факультет международных отношений 1957-1963 гг.

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Страниц: 194
Год издания: 2016
Язык: Русский
В настоящий сборник вошли воспоминания выпускников факультета международных отношений МГИМО. поступивших в институт в 1957 г. и окончивших его в 1963 г. По-разному сложились судьбы молодых людей. Одни ...

Understanding of Chemical Bonding in Secondary Schools in Kenya

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Язык: Русский
This book discusses understanding of chemical bonding which is a principle concept in chemistry. It is a key area in secondary school chemistry and even at higher levels of learning. The book highligh ...

Efficacy of Eco-clubs in Secondary Schools of Visakhapatnam City

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Язык: Русский
The present study reveals the opinions of the students studying in the secondary schools towards efficacy of Eco-clubs. In the present study the demographical variables the sex, caste, religion have n ...

Peer Tutoring in Higher Education

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Язык: Русский
Revision with unchanged content. This qualitative study of peer tutoring in several situations at the University of Utah builds upon previous conceptualizations of peer tutoring in order to re­con­cep ...

Using Lean Six Sigma to Raise Outcomes in Schools

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Язык: Русский
During recent decades schools in England have had to respond to a plethora of innovations aimed at ‘raising standards’. In the UK, the education policy agenda has manifested itself in a series of educ ...
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