Архитектура. Градостроительство

Драгоценные жемчужины Востока. Самые знаменитые чудеса архитектуры и природы, Дарья Козлова,Наталия Мордвинцева

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Страниц: 208
Год издания: 2011
Язык: Русский
В этом красочном альбоме собраны самые красивые чудеса природы и шедевры архитектуры Востока - от мавританских дворцов и садов Испании и Марокко до японских замков с цветущей сакурой. Волшебный мир Во ...

Digital Culture in Architecture

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Язык: Русский
Today’s explosive developments in digital technology have also affected architecture and the urban landscape. The new possibilities opened up by digital simulation have led to an increasingly strategi ...

Distinguishing Digital Architecture

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The Far Eastern International Digital Design Award (The Feidad Award) was conferred for the first time in 2000, its aim being to encourage and honour innovative design created with the aid of digital ...

Emergent Architectural Territories in East Asian Cities

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Язык: Русский
This book presents current developments in city planning and architecture in East Asia. It describes the many neighborhoods in which the region’s large cities are modernizing or expanding with innovat ...

Le Corbusier and the Architectural Promenade

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Язык: Русский
„Architecture is experienced as one roams about in it and walks through it… So true is this that architectural works can be divided into dead and living ones depending on whether the law of ‘roaming t ...
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