Webometric Analysis of the Universities of Bangladesh

Webometric Analysis of the Universities of Bangladesh
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Academic discipline is one of the major areas for Webometric analysis.In the context of Bangladesh, the Web is gradually taking place in university education. With the vision of “Digital Bangladesh”, it is indeed needful for the universities of Bangladesh to ensure good Web presence and strong impact on the Web. In this study, an exploratory analysis has been done on the university Websites of Bangladesh to figure out their Webometric performance and presence. A set of widely accepted Webometric methods and tools has been used to cover various aspects of Webometric analysis e.g. indicator-based Web performance, link analysis, usability evaluation etc. The results and findings are meant to draw the attention of the Webmasters and Web developers of Bangladesh. After being concerned of the real situation, a guideline is needed in order to improve the present status and therefore some suggestions and solutions for developing academic Web presence have been recommended as well. Another concern of this study is the re-engineering of existing Webometric ranking procedure in the light of qualitative judgment and two new Webometric indicators have been proposed here in this regard.


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