Useful Principles in Chemistry for Agriculture and Nursing Students

Useful Principles in Chemistry for Agriculture and Nursing Students
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Язык: Русский
A university being a higher institution of learning must have all the resources available. Unfortunately, in many universities especially in third world, the standards have gone down due to a number of reasons, principal among them are (a) Unavailability of learning resources: A lot of concern has centered on the dwindling leaning sources in university libraries to the extent that students have to rely only on the lecturers’ notes. This has greatly affected the learning and even the teaching process (b) Outdated learning materials: In most university libraries, there are few textbooks available and in most cases these are outdated. This book is an attempt to address in part some of the problems. It is prepared in a simple-to-understand language with many worked out examples in topics which students have the most problems.


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