Urban Poverty Implication on the Educational Conditions of Children

Urban Poverty Implication on the Educational Conditions of Children
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Язык: Русский
The history of the country tells us that Ethiopians have been suffering from a range of deprivation; and poverty has been a way of life for the large segment of the population for a very long period of time. Both rural and urban areas of the country are chronically suffering by the situation. Many studies have shown the poignant nature of the problem. However, comprehensive studies made on urban poverty, particularly pertaining to its implication on education has been limited. Therefore, this study is a remarkable piece of work that has shown the missed opportunities of poverty afflicted children. In Ethiopia, each year increasing number of children are entering school with needs that schools are not prepared to meet. As a result, many of the nation’s children are coming face to face with the multidimensional challenges that poverty brings. Especially, children coming from low socio-economic milieu are at the heart of the problem and they are exposed to diverse intimidations, which in turn hold them back from schooling and a better future.


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