Two different perspectives on Turkey's International Image

Two different perspectives on Turkey's International Image
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The study is consist of three parts: In the first part, health care tourism is comprehended in an analytical dimensions with all its fragments and another division as one of the predominant condition of health care tourism for expansion to global region image management has been included. In the second part of the study; e-marketing process is discussed, which has become important in health destinations. E-marketing process differs from traditional marketing process. The main reason for this is that marketing activities are done in electronic environment, and the environment is dynamic and is changing rapidly. In the third part;In the dialogue training between Turkey-Greece, the determination of the communication and art campaigns as a focus point would make the molding process of public opinion an accelerator. The statement “Dialogue Training in Turkey-Greece Relations” aims to make both countries’ communications strengthen and establish art models as well as creating authentic projects.


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