The UK Competition Act

The UK Competition Act
Раздел: Hart Publishing
Доступно в форматах: EPUB | PDF | FB2
Язык: Русский
With a Foreword by Lord Borrie This book is a collection of essays on key issues arising out of the new UK competition regime contained within the Competition Act 1998. The new Competition Act is a crucial piece of legislation which fundamentally alters the competition control system in the UK. The Act has been introduced after more than a decade of proposals for reform which have considered various aspects of UK competition law and policy. It introduces a new institutional and regulatory framework and substantive competition law principles. A core component of the Act is the intended harmonisation of UK competition law with Articles 81 and 82 of the EC Treaty. ‘Soft’ harmonisation and the continuing interrelationship between UK and Community competition law raises a variety of interesting issues and problems which are discussed in the book. This is an excellent time,as the Act’s principal provisions have just entered into force, to produce a series of reflections on various aspects of the new regime to be introduced. A variety of competition law experts have produced contributions discussing the implications of the new Act, together with a foreword by Lord Borrie, former Director General of Fair Trading. This book is essential reading for all those involved in competition law; students, academics, policymakers and practitioners alike.


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