The Sociology of English in Nigeria

The Sociology of English in Nigeria
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Язык: Русский
The Sociology of English in Nigeria, which contains twelve chapters written by linguists of note both in Nigeria and overseas, traverses the Nigerian socio-cultural experience with English at several levels and in different aspects of the people’s lives. It explores the nature of the use of English in Nigeria, the co-existence of English with other Nigerian languages and the sociolinguistic impact of the language in several communicative contexts in the country. ................................................ One major strength of this book is that it directs attention to various fertile areas of research in the sociology of English in Nigeria. This is particularly important for it invites scholars to look in these directions in their work instead of rehashing the same tiring arguments about what English is doing in Nigeria. I very strongly recommend this book, especially to those who look for something new and interesting in the study of English in Nigeria. Obododimma Oha, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.


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