The Social Municipalism: The Case Of Turkey

The Social Municipalism:  The Case Of Turkey
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Язык: Русский
This book commences with the factors affecting the municipal socialist notion; such as the Paris Commune, the Municipal Socialism, and the Urban Social Movements. At the next step of the study, the emergence of the social municipalism concept and the principles of the municipal socialism in Turkey are tried to be analysed in a critical way. After the clarification of the background of the social municipalism concept; the new municipalism movement in Turkey starting from 1973 is examined with the 1973 and 1977 local election periods’ main socio-economic and political context and three metropolitan provinces of Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir mayors’ social municipalism initiatives have been deeply examined to put forth the strengths and the weaknesses of the new municipal understanding in Turkey. Consequently, it can be stated that this book can be used a guide for the researches concerning local governments and also be benefited by the lecturers/ students who are interested in Public Administration and Local Government Studies.


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