The Scottish World: A Journey Into the Scottish Diaspora

The Scottish World: A Journey Into the Scottish Diaspora
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Язык: Русский
"Thaim wi a guid Scots tongue in their heid are fit tae gang ower the warld."While others have questioned the self-confidence of the Scots, Kay has traveled the world from Bangkok to Brazil, Warsaw to Waikiki and found ringing endorsements for the integrity and intellect, the poetry and passion of the Scottish people in every country he has visited. He expands people’s view of Scotland by relating remarkable stories of the wealthy Scottish merchant community in Gdansk; of national geniuses of Scots descent, such as Lermontov in Russia and Grieg in Norway; of an American Civil War blamed on Sir Walter Scott and initiated in the St. Andrews Society of Charleston; of inspirational missionaries in Calabar and Budapest; of Scotch Professors establishing football in soccer strongholds like Barcelona and Sao Paulo; of pioneers like Sandeman and Cockburn and the Scottish roots of many of the great wines of Europe; and of amazing Scottish involvement in liberation movements in Malawi, Chile, Peru, Greece, Corsica, and India. The result is a celebration of the enormous contribution the Scots have made to the modern world.


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