The Pre-Raphaelites and Tennyson's Poetry

The Pre-Raphaelites and Tennyson's Poetry
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Язык: Русский
The present book will examine the relationship between Tennyson’s poetry and some Pre-Raphaelite poems and paintings. The writer throughout the book uses Tennyson's "The Lady of Shalott", "Mariana," “The Blessed Damozel” and "The Palace of Art" and compares and contrasts them with the Pre-Raphaelite paintings and poetry to find out to what extent these poems inspired the artist of the Victorian age. Many painters of this era have applied the existing imagery of Tennyson poems in their works. Many aspects of Tennyson's poems are significant as Victorian pieces of writing which include an examination of the role of women or feminism, love, spiritual matters. The Pre-Raphaelite poets or painters applied these various aspects in their works. Tennyson has dominantly influenced their arts. The purpose of the current book is to find out the relationship between Tennyson's poems and the Pre-Raphaelite works of art and to discover his poems' influence on different forms of Pre-Raphaelite arts from different perspectives.


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