The Mistery of the Soul in Visual Imagery

The Mistery of the Soul in Visual Imagery
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Язык: Русский
The end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century brought about a new view on art. Avant-garde artists were looking for inspiration in primitive art, children’s drawings and artworks done by patients with mental disorders. At first only doctors were interested in the latter, using the medium of art to supervise the progression of the mental disorder. Initially, the art was considered worthless and so was mostly destroyed. Only a few recognised the expressive value of creation in them. They studied the artworks, saved them and ultimately exhibited them to the public. The book The Mystery of the Soul in Visual Imagery speaks of the astonishing creativity of five artists with mental disorders; Hinko Smrekar, Nina, Pigro, Maks and Kristof. The study method used is based on the pathographic analysis of data; an attempt at a theoretical comprehension of the artist’s own interpretation of her art and supervision over the patient’s creative output during the psychotic process. This book is intended for those who work with mentally distressed people, art therapists, and those who paint their dreams and love artistic creativity.


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