The Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning in the Mathematics Classroom

The Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning in the Mathematics Classroom
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The study investigates the rationale and value of using cooperative learning strategies in the mathematics classroom. The study sample was composed of 348 eighth grade students. Pre- and post-mathematical achievement tests were employed. Also, a programme evaluation questionnaire was applied. The study also addressed qualitative issues. All the teachers involved in the experiment, and a sample of students, were interviewed. Lesson observations were conducted within the research programme to evaluate the implementation of the cooperative learning strategies and teachers’ and students’ responses towards it. The study demonstrates that cooperative learning strategies enhance the teaching and learning process by transferring focus from a teacher-centred situation into a student- centred learning context. This enriches the cognitive, competitive and social interaction and, hence, develops outcomes in the cognitive, affective, motivational and social domains. The study proved the positive impact of applying such strategies in enhancing mathematical achievement and promoting problem solving skills compared with the impact made by traditional teaching strategies.


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