Teachers’ Creativity and Commitment Achieve the Students' Proficiency

Teachers’ Creativity and Commitment Achieve the Students' Proficiency
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The intensity of teachers’ creativity, attitude and commitment are considered to be as a key factor in the success of the current educational reform agenda as it heavily influences the teachers’ willingness to engage in cooperative, reflective and critical practice to develop the students’ proficiency or performance in English language. Conversely, training can help teachers to learn how to be more effective at work by transforming the knowledge, skills or attitudes through the learning experience to achieve an effective performance and develop the students’ proficiency in their learning process. According to the human resource theory, training is considered as one of the processes in achieving the organizational goals by attracting and maintaining employees and also managing them effectively at work performance. According to Huberman (1993), teachers’ commitment has been identified as one of the most critical factors for the future success of education and schools.


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