Stepfamilies Surviving the Death of a Biological Parent

Stepfamilies Surviving the Death of a Biological Parent
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Язык: Русский
Over the past two decades, the stepfamily and other non-traditional families have become an integral part of society. This is mostly due to the high divorce and remarriage rate, which results in the combining of two previously separate families. This book shares a stepfamily’s journey from its beginning to the death of a biological parent and beyond. It tells how and why the stepfamily survived and their relationships strengthened. Modern theoretical approaches and philosophical frameworks guide the story of the stepfamily, and capture the lives of the members as individuals and as a family unit. For professionals and students in the field of counseling, this book provides interpretations for the building of future theories to explain the studied phenomenon. Further, the book informs professionals of a stepfamily’s dynamics, thereby, providing direction for clinical interventions. Moreover, this book can be useful for persons who want to strengthen and/or maintain the relationships of the family unit after the death of a family member.


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