Sociology Impact in International Affairs

Sociology Impact in International Affairs
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From the new millennium (Year 2000) many problems is raising, people are crying of war, terrorist, internet crime, corruption, global economic melt down, and may more around the world, view governmental people try to change these while many don’t even care about it, they counted these as a normal way to live. Culture and languages make our world beautiful and its make it a lovely land for us to live, to trade and happily move around. But many people see these as a barrier, and used it against one another, these things that people see make this world look like a crime place for us. European unity during the war and after war have really showed us the stand of the united states in the support of the growth in the world, the fall of Europe in 1945-57 have made America to gain the world power of today. Before any crime or war can be escalate, the norming, forming, and the preforming, will be moving among people, but many countries don’t consider these as a big issue not on till the problems rise beyond their controls. In this book, you will also read about the work of united nation, to come to agreement of disarmament, that lead to peaceful talk around the world today.


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