Sexual Abuse in Ghanaian Schools

Sexual Abuse in Ghanaian Schools
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Язык: Русский
This book takes a look at the Ghanaian children’s perceptions of Child Sexual Abuse (CSA). Sexual abuse/assault is a phenomenon whose scope transcends generations and whose victims are being increasingly found among society's most vulnerable populations. Several studies that have been published on the issue have discussed the rate, pervasiveness, prevalence, and nature of child sexual abuse. This book is exceptional in the sense that it investigates Ghanaian children's perceptions of, and knowledge about sexual abuse. It also tries to determine how capable the children are in their ability to identify potential perpetrators and the actions they can take in the event that it happens to them, their friends or their relatives. This is a seminal study because it was conducted in an environment that still supports the notion that children should be seen and not heard and where issues bordering on sexuality is taboo.


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