Savoir Vivre: The Art of Fine Living by Laduree

Savoir Vivre: The Art of Fine Living by Laduree
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Язык: Русский
Laduree, the iconic Parisian patisserie founded in 1862, is home to the world?renowned double macaron, invented by Pierre Desfontaines, grandson of the founder, in 1930. Since 1993, the company has expanded from a single bakery into an international chain, with stores in more than 25 countries, including Great Britain, Japan, Brazil, Singapore, and, most recently, the United States (New York and Miami). Laduree Savoir Vivre is the latest in the firm’s successful series of entertaining and lifestyle books. Like its predecessors, it is nestled in an irresistible box. Stunningly illustrated with hundreds of specially commissioned photographs and illustrations, the book offers practical tips and inspiration on such varied topics as how to prepare and have breakfast the Laduree way, how to be a good host and a good guest, what is the best way to dress for the theater, and how to prepare your suitcase to travel with the jet set. The book is divided into five sections: “Morning: Rise and Shine!” “Daytime: Work Hard, Work Chic,” “Evening: Evening Elegance,” “Weekend: Luxurious Leisure Time,” and “Travel: Travel in Style.” With countless helpful hints and tips, menus and table settings, this is the ultimate guide to knowing how to live well (savoir vivre).


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