Reverse Engineering in Manufacturing

Reverse Engineering in Manufacturing
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The globalization and economic reforms have changed the face and pace of world economy in the last two decades. The main thrust is on product quality, faster design and development, and finally cheaper product. The Automotive and Telecom industries, Banking and Oil sectors have benefited most from these reforms. The developing countries gained less when compared to the loss in the farm and agricultural sectors. Some countries like China, Thailand, Taiwan, South Korea, Philippines, and Singapore took the advantage of globalization in manufacturing to become the global manufacturing hubs for leading multinational companies (MNC). To sustain the local and foreign competition, one has to improve their technologies. ‘Reverse Engineering in Manufacturing'' can be seen as a converging and dependable technology which has many solutions to the present day problems faced by developing countries. This paperback gives an insight into reverse engineering and its associated benefits to the manufacturing industry. Case studies, areas for developing countries are suggested. The related Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), ethics, patents issues are discussed.


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