Portrayal Of Women In Kenya's Print Media

Portrayal Of Women In Kenya's Print Media
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An analysis of Kenya’s print media shows that women get a lesser than proportionate share of coverage compared to their male counterparts; they are depicted almost exclusively in their traditional roles in the home at the expense of their socioeconomic contribution to the country. Underlying practically all media images of women across the world is the dichotomous motif that defines women as either perfectly good or wholly evil; mother or whore; virgin or call girl; traditional or modern. Women and women’s issues have, therefore, unconsciously taken a back seat in a circular manner, in the media, in political and power circles, in the economy, and in the stereotyped minds of many. In view of these developments, conscious and intentional integrative efforts by all are needed in order to eliminate this inordinate and biased media portrayal of women and their contribution to societal welfare. The government and other stakeholders may be required not only to take affirmative action but also to integrate gender equity into all critical areas of the economy.


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