Performance of Insurance Business

Performance of Insurance Business
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From the foregoing analysis on insurance sector it is understood that the sector is very old. Though the sector was confined to a limited number of organizations till 1990’s with many governmental restrictions, it could able to develop considerably. After 1990’s, the liberalization of economies by the governments showed much positive effect on this business. This is a clear indication that the business is a profitable business. To regulate this business in the liberalized era, the government has taken certain legislative measures like enactment of IRDA. In this fast growing sector the research contribution made so far is insignificant. Though few studies are identified in the area, they are confined to marketing and other allied aspects of insurance. Finance area is undoubtedly an important area, but it is not touched in the insurance sector by the earlier researchers. Since this is fast developing sector, it is quite interesting to understand the attraction of this sector to the new business people, and also to examine how the existing units are performing their business profitably.


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