Our Identity : A Substantial Reality Or A Convention ?

Our Identity : A Substantial Reality Or A Convention ?
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The volume “OUR IDENTITY: A SUBSTANTIAL REALITY OR A CONVENTION ? “ is focused on the individual identity problem. Individual identity emphasizes its character as a problematic notion given that the modernity defines the individual both as a subject and as an object of knowledge, in the center of philosophical preoccupations which gives him a power that will become manifest in the political sphere. If liberal thinking, and especially postmodern liberalism, built a concept of individual identity that transcends national and even political levels, from a conservative view there is no ”pure” individual identity as an image of an excessive spirit of initiative. Also, the role of democratization in the political and social behavior of individuals, in the context of globalization, cannot ignore the role of social and political imaginary in configuration of individuality and citizenship - in analogy with existential goals of individuals. On the other hand, a contradiction appears when we make theoretical generalizations on ”individual identity”, since there are at least as many identities, as there are individuals.


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