Onion Nutrition

Onion Nutrition
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Язык: Русский
Onion is an important vegetable and spice crop grown in almost all the parts of World. The medicinal properties of onion as antimicrobial, antibiotic and antioxidant are well recognized. The productivity of onion is low due to the unawareness of the nutrient management. Numerous technical contributions are appearing in scientific tour nab but one or two aspect is covered in one paper. An effort has been made by the authors to compile information’s and to present them for the benefit of post graduate students and researchers who are interested in advanced research for improvement of product potential of onion. We would like to draw the special attention of soil scientists and horticulturist to the importance of nutrient management in maintaining soil health and productivity for human health in the long run. The present book “Onion Nutrition” thus contains all the information on the nutrient management for the production of onion. A special chapter is devoted to policy options for efficient use of nutrient and agenda for future research. It will be helpful to the student and researchers for preparation of plan of work for future research.


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