Nurses' Knowledge on Care of Patient with Mechanical Ventilation

Nurses' Knowledge on Care of Patient with Mechanical Ventilation
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Язык: Русский
Introduction: Mechanical ventilation is a process by which gases are moved into and out of the lungs by means of a ventilator, a machine that delivers a flow of gas to a patient’s airway. Method: A descriptive research design was used for the study. A total of 50 nurses working in CMSTH, Bharatpur-10, Chitwan and willing to participate in the study were selected by using non- probability purposive sampling technique and a self administered questionnaire (SAQ) was used to collect the data. Result: Out of 50 nurses, Seventy percent respondents had knowledge on nursing care of patient on mechanical ventilation and 56% respondents had knowledge on complications of mechanical ventilation. Conclusion: It was concluded that although few (20%) of the nurse working in CMSTH had received educational programme regarding care of patients on mechanical ventilation they had scored good knowledge. It may be due to departmental exposure and previous experience of handling mechanically ventilated cases. So, this study concluded that educational programme is not only the source of enhancing knowledge among nurses.


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