Microfinance services for Rural Agriculture in Pakistan and Bangladesh

Microfinance services for Rural Agriculture in Pakistan and Bangladesh
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Язык: Русский
Microfinance is becoming a tool of poverty reduction in Pakistan and Bangladesh, given the high rates of poverty in these countries. Poverty is greater in the rural agricultural sector where peoples’livelihood is dependent on agricultural activities. Furthermore, the agricultural sector in the two countries is still underdeveloped. This study examines the role of agricultural microfinance services and products to assess whether microfinance is contributing to rural agriculture and rural development in Pakistan and Bangladesh, where a majority of the populations are located and their livelihood dependent on agriculture. Accordingly, the study examines rural agricultural needs and demands in the two countries and the role of microfinance in addressing them. Mostly based on secondary data sources, the study compares the two countries along certain indicators generated by the framework developed. This framework integrates the concepts of rural agriculture, rural development, poverty reduction and microfinance, which serves as the analytical toolkit.


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