Lloyd George And The Dissolution Of The Ottoman Empire (Volume 1)

Lloyd George And The Dissolution Of The Ottoman Empire (Volume 1)
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Lloyd George is one of the rare politicians who enjoyed a very wide coverage both in scientific publications and biographies. This thesis focuses only on a brief period of his life, (1916-1922), when he was the Prime Minister. This work concentrates on L. George’s policy towards Ottoman Empire. Any analysis on the present British policies towards Turkey will be incomplete without understanding the role of Britain towards the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire. To elaborate, whether Lloyd George or relevant British State institutions were more influential in decision mechanism in regard to dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, the minutes of the Cabinet meetings, Parliamentary debates and correspondence of several state administrators and institutions were examined. Also, relevant issues of ‘The Times’ were explored to find out how the implemented policies were viewed by the journalists and disseminated to general public. This study is neither a biography of L. George nor his total foreign policy; it is the reflections of his personality and his prejudices towards Turks in forming his policies for the Ottoman Empire and securing British interests in Middle East and in her Dominions.


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