Legislative Constitutionality of the Ethiopian Federal Parliament

Legislative Constitutionality of the Ethiopian Federal Parliament
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Язык: Русский
Lawmaking power is one of the most significant and influential constitutional law sphere which serves as apt benchmark to check whether a given country has actually a better record of limited government, prevalence of rule of law or democracy. Coupled with other constitutional tools of controlling the proper use of governments’ power, constitutions device special modality regarding lawmaking power. Looking in retrospection the Ethiopian context, esp. through employing the features of implied legislative power in federal systems and constrained parliamentary system in perspective under examination, the Ethiopian Constitution appears defective in both accounts. This book vastly appraises the exercise of lawmaking power of the Ethiopian Parliament offering a different lens to trace the constitutionality of certain legislations currently in force while in many respects influenced the existing constitutional order of the polity. The book likewise put in perspective issues readily left out from closer public eyes. Thus, it rejuvenate the discourses in the ‘law & politics’ approach in Ethiopia to uncover Ethiopia’s federal and parliamentary experiments in the pendulum of rule of law.


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