Leadership Behaviour In Learning Organisations

Leadership Behaviour In Learning Organisations
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Язык: Русский
Over the years, researchers have been striving very hard to get the answer of what is the best suitable leadership style which can inject growth&development. There have been various theories propounded by the scholars but till now the journey is continue.It has been observed that today’s markets are highly unpredictable,competition is very high and customers are highly volatile resultant which organisations are continuously looking for change & transformation,preferring highly skilled,creative&innovative work force for sustainability.The changes in the economic environment from local to national to global markets requires new perspectives&trans- formation in the mental models of employees.So,in such milieu,it is required to explore such leadership style which can serve as panacea.This book,therefore,provides a new metric of success for the leadership&learning organizations.It is helpful in assisting the managers to adopt the best leadership style and how to become efficient and how to perform in different or challenging situations. It can be generalize to the entire world because everyone in this world desires to taste the success and fame.


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