Katibasti (A unique Panchakarma Therapy) for sciatica- clinical study

Katibasti (A unique Panchakarma Therapy) for sciatica- clinical study
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Gridhrasi –as the term meaning goes indicates the typical gait that resembles of a “Gridhra” or “Vulture”, which is often seen in Gridhrasi. The symptoms seen in Gridhrasi can be well correlated with “Sciatica” in modern terminology. Sciatica is a very painful condition in which pain beings in lumbar region and radiates along the posterolateral aspect of thigh and leg, means in the distribution of Sciatica nerve which ends to the outer border of foot. Herniation or degenerative changes in intervartibral disc is the most common causes. Moreover, the modern treatment of sciatica is not very satisfactory and includes use of analgesics and few surgical procedures which is often associated with many adverse effects.Ayurveda has description of various therapies for the treatment of Gridhrasi. Among them Panchakarma is a very unique therapeutic procedure because of its preventive, promotive, prophylactic and rejuvinative properties as well as as providing a radical cure. Among the Panchakarma therapy; Kati Basti is reliable to control the disease. Hence an attempt is made to compare the effect of Kati Basti with Sahacharadi Taila and Maha Narayana Taila in the management of Sciatica


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