Introducing Politics for AS Level

Introducing Politics for AS Level
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Язык: Русский
Introducing Politics for AS Level is a new textbook specifically developed to cover the latest AS specifications. It is suitable for use with the AQA, Edexcel and OCR examining boards. The book introduces students to politics in a lively and intelligent way, without bias and without ‘dumbing down’. Designed in full colour, it is both comprehensive and accessible, enabling students to get the most from their AS politics course. The book includes: · Full coverage of all topics specified by the examining boards, from the Executive to the House of Lords, Devolution to the European Union; · Up–to–date discussions of the most recent parliamentary, national and European elections as well as an in–depth assessment of the Brown premiership;· A host of colour photographs, graphs, tables, diagrams and cartoons; · ‘Making connections’ sections to help students grasp the ‘big picture’;· End of chapter summaries, suggestions for further reading and handy Internet links;· A comprehensive glossary;· Plenty of questions and class activities. Written by a highly experienced teacher, the book presents politics as an exciting and relevant topic to students of all interests and abilities. Although it assumes no previous knowledge, the book contains enough depth to provide a sound basis for progression to A2 Politics, and will help them to achieve the highest grades. An accompanying free access website, featuring additional teaching material and exercises designed to help students research and revise topics in the book, is available at:


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