Influence of Selected Cultural Practices on Girls' Education

Influence of Selected Cultural Practices on Girls' Education
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Girls’ participation in education seem to be dismal in many parts of the world. The dismal level of participation is attributed to the cultural practices that influence girls, enrolment, retention and completion of education. Despite the critical role of female education plays in the development of the society Kenya still experiences gender disparity at all levels of deducation.It is evident that inequality in the provision of education may have a negative effect not only to the individual but also to the community. The study established that female genital mutilation, gender roles, societal attitude and early marriage influence girls’ participation in education at the secondary school level in Kuria district, Kenya. Education is key in development and girls faced with these challenges cannot perform well in school nor participate effectively in the development of the society. The report forms a source of reference to those interested in the enhancement of girls’ education.


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