Fostering Students' Intrinsic Motivation

Fostering Students' Intrinsic Motivation
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Язык: Русский
The lack of enthusiasm and underachievement demonstrated by more and more students in the classroom is due to a multitude of problems; among these is an underlying lack of motivation (Henderlong & Lepper, 2002). This research paper focuses on intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation has been linked to a student’s success, diligence, and effort (Dicinto et al., 2004). This type of motivation is long lasting; consequently, a skill that transcends beyond school. As future educators it is our responsibility to educate the whole student, preparing them for life beyond the classroom. Therefore, developing strategies that foster intrinsic motivation in our students is important for their success. The purpose of this research is to best understand how a teacher can foster intrinsic motivation in students. Two semi-structured interviews were conducted to explore the understanding and practical strategies of cultivating intrinsic motivation. Findings showed that creating a classroom founded on relationships, empowerment, choice, interests, and technology promotes the development of this attribute.


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