Factors undermining the women's representation at management positions

Factors undermining the women's representation at management positions
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Management is an occupational area where women are severely underrepresented. The lack of women in top management position has been the subject of much debate in developed countries. Rare studies are available in south Asia and Pakistan as well .This book explores the factors that undermine the women’s representation at top management positions in universities of Pakistan. Quantitative method was used in the study. The study was descriptive and explanatory in nature. The main objectives of the study were (a) to identify the structural factors(that undermine the women’s representation at top management position in universities of Pakistan.(b) to identify the socio-cultural factors that undermine the women’s representation at top management position (c) to identify the individual factors. The universities under study consisted of 1/3rd of the HEC recognized public sector general universities of Pakistan, 9 universities were selected (Punjab, Federal and AJ&K). On the basis of the analysis it was concluded that socio-cultural factors are leading factors followed by structural/organizational factors.Unbiased representation of women in management is an important issue of HRM.


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