Entrepreneurship Development in the Developing World

Entrepreneurship Development in the Developing World
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Язык: Русский
As we all know, in a factor driven economy it’s a challenge to stimulate, support and sustain entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship cannot be taken in isolation without the active support of the Government. Hence, there is a need for policy support, education, training and innovation by the Government to promote entrepreneurship. The book consists of several small yet new ideas that can accelerate the growth and culture of entrepreneurship. How a small idea like utilizing the Common Property Resources can bring a sea change in the lives of millions of people at the bottom of the pyramid, a School for Entrepreneurship in the Commonwealth of Dominica could really bring a culture of entrepreneurship in the Caribbean and access to micro-credit by the women, who earn less than a Dollar for the day, could provide gainful employment and eradicate poverty in a very big way in the central African country of Malawi are few of the examples. This book will be useful to the students, entrepreneurs, academicians, government and trainers in the field of entrepreneurship.


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