Endometrial Aspiration Cytology in Gynaecological Pathology

Endometrial Aspiration Cytology in Gynaecological Pathology
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Язык: Русский
Endometrial aspiration was carried out as an outpatient procedure in 100 cases presenting with various gynecological problems with Karman’s cannula followed by dilatation and curettage for histopathologic correlation Age group of the patients in the present study ranged from 20-60yrs with mean age of 45yrs. The commonest mode of presentation was menorrhagia. The adequacy of the samples for cytology was 92%. Aspiration cytology findings were compared with histopathology sections. Among 100 cases studied, proliferative phase were 50 cases, secretory phase- 25 cases, endometrial hyperplasia -7 cases, endometritis-3 cases, of which 1 case was tubercular endometritis, 2 cases of proliferative and secretory pattern and 2 cases of malignancies. The diagnostic accuracy of endometrial aspirates was 100% for malignancies, endometritis and atypical hyperplasias and 92% for secretory phase, 88% for proliferative phase and 60% for simple hyperplasia. In the present study the over all diagnostic accuracy of adequate samples was 87.7%. Aspiration cytology was more reliable in diagnosing malignant lesions than benign lesions of endometrium.


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