Electronic Product Design: A Case Study In Cellular Device design

Electronic Product Design:  A Case Study In Cellular Device design
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Язык: Русский
Information was collected in three different ways; a review of the literature, qualitative data from semi-structured interviews and quantitative questionnaires. A comprehensive review of current literature showed that usability is just as important as a technological approach for mobile phone design. It was also apparent from the literature that Nokia and Microsoft still value a user centred design approach as they continue to evolve their partnership. Qualitative data was gathered from semi-structured interviews with three design industry experts. Information from this part of the research yielded many important findings in particular the viewpoint that mobile phones will increasingly become a commodity that may hinder the design approach taken by the Nokia and Microsoft collaboration. Finally, 35 participants were also contacted to complete a questionnaire that targets consumers’ attitudes towards aspects of their mobile phone. Results revealed that users still value their user interface style, however when they were asked if they would switch to a different phone, the data indicated that their decision to switch would be due to hardware performance rather than interface style.


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