Effective Curriculum for the 21st Century Learners:

Effective Curriculum for the 21st Century Learners:
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Язык: Русский
Significant attention is now being paid to the development of innovative curricula that are responsive to today’s demands on students and society. This book’s intent is to design a new curriculum stressing on the 21st century learners’ needs, the learning process, the fragmented curriculum, its advantages and disadvantages, the new curriculum which is the integrated curriculum and its benefits and drawbacks, as well as the implementation information. This book provides a yearly plan for the usage of the implemented curriculum using the books and curriculum objectives utilized at the school at which the author was a staff member at. Lastly, a sample of lesson plans with activities for an integrated curriculum is provided. However, the concerned educators can adjust the provided curriculum accordingly. This book tends to encourage the usage of this curriculum at the respective institution and any other educational institution since there is a need for continuous improvements as the educational demands are changing.


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