Determinants of ICT Adoption in Rwandan Commercial Banks

Determinants of ICT Adoption in Rwandan Commercial Banks
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The developments in information technology are radically changing the platform of business transactions. The banks in Rwanda have not kept up with pace of adopting the new ICT technologies despite the government’s effort in providing tax exemptions on ICT related products. This study was conducted so as to identify the underpinning elements that foster the adoption of ICT in Rwandan banks. The study put in use the following variables: staff training, cost of adoption, organisational culture, perceived risk of innovation, perceived ease of use, innovation compatibility, competitive advantage, and top management support. The study employed a descriptive and co relational analysis research design. Data was collected by use of a self structured questionnaire from five commercial banks. A sample size of 247 was used.Stratified sampling technique was used to sample the employees in each department from the various banks headquarters, and simple random sampling technique was used to distribute the questionnaires to the respondents. The researcher hopes that the findings of the study will benefit the decision making organs of the banks on ICT innovation and adoption procedures.


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