Destination Marketing of Antwerp

Destination Marketing of Antwerp
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Fashion and tourism have a long connection and they contribute to each other’s development. Fashion events, organized in the major fashion capitals attract millions of luxury visitors, who benefit not only the fashion industry, but also the tourism industry, by making use of accommodation and dining facilities, therefore the city’s economy is developing. Fashion can also be used as a part of the brand identity of the destination, in order to distinguish it from competitors. Fashion capital is a city, influential in fashion, known in the world by its fashion designers, fashion educational institutions, fashion events and shopping. Fashion capitals are the trend setters. Antwerp has potential as a fashion city but does not have a clear brand identity. Using fashion as a critical success factor in the destination marketing of Antwerp is researched. Critical success factors in destination marketing represent the process of the brand identity building. Fashion can be one of the critical success factors in the destination marketing of Antwerp as long as the fashion image matches the fashion identity.


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