Dermatoglyphics In Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Dermatoglyphics In Pulmonary Tuberculosis
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Язык: Русский
Man has always wondered about skin over the palms and soles which is peculiar in having epidermal ridges. Dermatoglyphics is scientific study of epidermal ridges and their configuration on palmar and plantar region. Dermatoglyphics has been studied in certain clinical disorders associated with chromosomal and developmental defects like Mongolism, Turner’s syndrome, Cardiovascular disease, Diabetes mellitus, Schizophrenia and Ischemic heart disease. Functional mutants of mannose binding protein are associated with pulmonary tuberculosis, which plays important role in inheritance. Epidermal ridge pattern is also determined by genetics. Genetic contribution is one of the causes of pulmonary tuberculosis. Some studies indicate that inherited susceptibility is important risk factor. So it was thought that there should be some correlation between tuberculosis and Dermatoglyphics, Dermatoglyphics analysis proven to have advantages as a screening tools & diagnostic tool in certain diseases including pulmonary tuberculosis.


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